
Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 41 – Weaving

Tinle sat in front of her looking thoughtful. Nova stared back. She had gotten the day off from working in the ruins due to having to clear out some of the debris within. Oren also wanted to make sure to put safety measures in place in case the ceiling came tumbling down. She was expected READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chap. 40 – The Cartographer

Mathius moved to Nova’s side. “Are you alright?” Nova gaped at Mathius. “No, I’m not alright. Oren and his entire guild just made a bunch of monsters dissolve.” “Yeah,” Mathius said, looking around uneasily. “We probably shouldn’t talk about that.” Nova blinked. “What?” Mathius shook his head. “After a few disappearances, people decided it’s best READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 39 – Fear

“There’s something I want to give you,” Helena said. Nova adjusted the bag on her shoulder before looking up at Helena. “What’s that?” Helena pulled out a dagger and sheath, handing it to Nova.  Nova took it, a little surprised. She pulled the dagger out and sure enough, the dagger was a sharp metal blade. READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 38 – Trust

It was the night before they were to go to the ruins. Nova had spent the whole day practicing with her staff until finally, Helena had forced her to stop.  “All this practice isn’t going to matter if your arms are too sore to lift your staff,” Helena scolded.  Nova reluctantly complied and they both READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 37 – Preparations

For the next few days, Nova’s entire purpose was preparing for the journey to the ruins. Unfortunately, wanting to prepare and actually having time to was another issue altogether. She was running around doing errands for Oren. He had them check in with suppliers, rework contracts, check on stocks, and pretty much any sort of READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 36 – Things Unsaid

Nova was waiting for Tinle to tell Mortimer to not be so dramatic but the merchant was just staring in shock. It hit Nova that maybe this was a lot more important than she thought. Nova tried to wrap her mind around it. She could pour mana into objects and no one else could. That READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 35 – Artifactor

Nova stiffened at Mortimer’s question. Tinle elbowed the man. “She’s human, of course. What kind of question is that?” Mortimer looked at Nova and then hurried over. “Yes, yes, I didn’t mean it in such a way. It’s just that, to have this many…” He trailed off and stared at the screen. “I think…actually…wait here.”  READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 34 – Mana

A wave of panic washed over Nova. She had to think but Mortimer was staring at her, waiting for an explanation. It would be bad if she took too long but at the same time, she wasn’t sure what the reaction would be if she was discovered to have a demon. Though Mortimer hadn’t simply READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 33 – The Academy

“You’re doing it wrong.” Nova glared at the demon floating above her. “Then please enlighten me on how to do it correctly.” Trixie looked at her nails. “Not my job.” The demon was infuriating. She had woken this morning to find the demon floating over her. After a near panic attack, she had been relieved READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 32 – Stats

Nova slashed at Helena’s left side. The guard easily knocked the sword to the side, but she didn’t stop there. Helena stepped forward and jammed the wooden sword into Nova’s stomach. Pain hit Nova and she fell back.  “You’re dead,” Helena said. “I don’t know what you’re doing but that isn’t sword fighting. Try again.”  READ MORE