Newsletter Changes and More

As April comes to an end, I just wanted to thank everyone for joining me in the start of this journey with me.

This month I launched Forgotten Warriors – my portal/urban fantasy web serial. It’s posted chapter-by-chapter on Kindle Vella as well as my patreon. So far it has been fun and I look forward to continuing Zoe and Nitya’s story. I’m also preparing for the launch of my free story.

This also brought the launch of my newsletter, Fantastical Menagerie. At first I was offering a free story where readers could vote on different choices, but I have decided to pull that aspect of the newsletter and just focus on notify my subscribers of news and new release updates. I hope to bring it back later but figure with two web serials coming out, my attention was better focused on releasing those stories first.

And that’s it! You’ll hear from me again next week. Until then, enjoy your next adventure!

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