Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 33 – The Academy

“You’re doing it wrong.” Nova glared at the demon floating above her. “Then please enlighten me on how to do it correctly.” Trixie looked at her nails. “Not my job.” The demon was infuriating. She had woken this morning to find the demon floating over her. After a near panic attack, she had been relieved READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 32 – Stats

Nova slashed at Helena’s left side. The guard easily knocked the sword to the side, but she didn’t stop there. Helena stepped forward and jammed the wooden sword into Nova’s stomach. Pain hit Nova and she fell back.  “You’re dead,” Helena said. “I don’t know what you’re doing but that isn’t sword fighting. Try again.”  READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 31 – Artifact

Nova’s eyes widened at the information. She swept her eyes over the area but the message didn’t show up again. She focused her mind on the artifact detection skill.  Her gaze swept the area.  [No artifact detected.] “Nova,” Mathius said.  She turned and realized that everyone had gone inside except for her and Mathius.  “Are you READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 30 – Supplies

He probably won’t recognize me.  Nova plastered a smile on her face as Mathius came closer. She noticed that Mathius seemed more relaxed than she had seen him before. The man also had a hint of a smile on his lips as he listened to Mathius ramble on. “It’s exciting!” Mathius said. “To think we’re READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 29 – Online

[Learned Adjustment Repair activated. System information readjusted.] [Please be aware that repair improvements to your system are based on use and mana available.] [System rebooting.] Nova’s screen went blank. Her entire body felt weak and then suddenly energy surged through her. The blue screen reappeared but this time there was more information than before. — READ MORE