Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 24 – Practice

“No matter how many times you do this, it’s never going to work,” Trixie said with a bored expression. Nova glared at the demon and went back to mopping the floor. She was exhausted. Nova spent most of the morning working on pulling her natural magic out only to hit the same wall each time. READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 23 – First Day

When Nova opened her eyes all she could see were teeth. She screamed and jerked back. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic. If I wanted to eat you, I would have already gobbled you up.” The demon said as she floated over her. Her pink hair spilled across her face.  Nova rubbed her eyes and tried READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 22 – Rift

Nova took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. Unfortunately, it didn’t make the anger go away. It stayed under her skin resting at a slow simmer.  “A dome?” Mathius ran a hand through his hair. “Sort of. Not exactly a dome. It’s basically a wall that surrounds the entirety of Hayeln. It READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 21 – Trapped

Nova was able to convince Mathius to give her something to eat while he made dinner. She chewed on the bread thoughtfully as Mathius cooked. It looked like he was making some sort of lentil soup. It wouldn’t have been her first choice but she was too hungry to be picky. Still, she must have READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 20 – Alive

“You’re sure she’s going to wake up,” a doubtful voice said.  “You saw her body knit itself back together as much as I did,” another voice said. “She’ll wake up. That was the deal.” “And you trust that thing?” Nova twitched at the sound of the voices. She felt tired, really tired. The voices were READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 19 – Guest

There was movement, voices going in and out. Pain. She thought the pain would be stronger but it was going dull, replaced with an ever-growing coldness.  A voice, determined and scared. “Is it working? It has to work.”  Nova recognized the voice. It was Mathius. He was alive. A sense of relief went through her.  READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 18 – Run

Nova had always been good at running. In high school, she had been on the track team. She was short and many of the runners that were taller with longer legs would tease her. That was until they saw her run. She was fast, unbelievably fast, and none of her team could catch her. She READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 17 – Core

Nova walked into the right part of the ruin. Stepping inside felt like walking into a tomb. There was something in the air. Nova decided to focus on following Ava’s instructions as the AI notified her of perilous areas. Even with Ava’s warnings, passing through the area was hazardous. Sometimes part of the building would READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 16 – Snag

A wave of anticipation went through Nova at the thought that the first part of her quest was about to be completed. It would mean all she needed was to find three members for the guild and do the Explorer’s Quest.  “Activation failed,” Ava’s voice rang out. “Repairs and clean-up needed before reactivation.” Nova groaned. READ MORE

Wayfarer’s Guild – Chp. 15 – Ruins

When Nova stepped out of the room, she found Mathius pacing. His face was scrunched into a scowl. It seemed like he wasn’t as okay with the situation as he let on. She wasn’t too surprised. When he noticed her he said something to her. When she just looked at him blankly, he sighed and READ MORE