Don't Destroy the World (Tyrant Reborn #1)
In her first life, she was a slave. In her second, she became a tyrant. Now Ember has returned once again to the past with no recollection of how she died except that she helped destroy the world. Tired of repeating the past and losing the people she loves, Ember is desperate to save her family and figure out why she keeps repeating her life. This time she plans to find a safe place for her and her people to thrive even if she has to build her own kingdom.
Now, she just has to regain her powers, find out why some things have changed from the past she remembers, prepare for the invasion of the Shade who are set on destroying all the races across Ellasyr, and make sure her family doesn’t die in the process.
The odds are stacked against her and it doesn’t help that she has a bit of a bad temper and her regression to the past has wrecked her impulse control. But Ember is set on changing not just the past but herself and hopefully this time she won’t destroy the world in the process.
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Helena Ward, Wizardress Sleuth (Book 1)
In 1813 the world went crazy when an Elder God tried to descend into London. In order to combat the madness, Wizards revealed themselves to the world and everything changed. Now, in Victorian England, normal humans and the magical and horrific live in an unease peace.
For Helena Ward, her main concern is making enough money to support herself, luckily, she’s founded a business for solving little mysteries that the authorities ignored. And if it’s on the line of being legal she’s made sure to tip-toe around that.
Unfortunately for her, things go awry when she is ordered to pass the wizardry exam or lose her title as a Baroness. The problem is she has already failed it seven times and is derided among the wizardry community as the half-wizardress.
Struggling to find a solution while fending off her uncles attempts to take over her home. Helena Ward’s world goes even crazier when she is given the case of a missing boy…and wait, there’s zombies now!
Helena Ward, Wizardress Sleuth will be the first in a Gaslamp Fantasy Murder Mystery series. The first book is planned to release in 2025.